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Hair today...

Wow, hair transplans hurt so frikin much that I just gained a little respect for Trump... and he didn't have the current hair transplant technology, no, they ripped off the back of his scalp with some rusty plyers and sewed it to his forehead: brutal!  And, even crazier, he did it multiple times...  I am impressed that this draft dodger could scare up the courage to make himself pretty, especially for women that he pays to sleep with him (i am pretty sure that a pornstar would have slept with the rich millionaire whether or not he was balding, oh, not her, i was talking about melania).  I thought all that makeup he wore was strictly for show amd to make tough men weep, but I guess not.

  Also, I am writing this now because physical pain is quickly forgotten and I want to remind myself for later... for example, I was in severe pain amd very nauseous about 30 days ago and now I almost forgot about the election; almost...

  Oh, the irony for me is that for over 20 years I had to keep my hair short, now that I can grow it long I don't have any...booo!