Yes, I know this blog post was late, it took me this long to come to grips that the US spells "us"... and that "us" is stupid.
Congratulations Mr Trump,
You really pulled it off... I thought your quoting of Hitler, your pandering to other dictators around the world, your promise to destroy integral agencies that have made the US and world better/safer places, like the Dept of Education and NATO, your racist rants about rounding up brown people into prision camps, your talk of turning the military against US citizens, your pledge of becoming a dictator on day one, your openly sexist/racist remarks against your opponent, your conviction of rape and other sexual assault claims by multiple women, your 34 or so felonies, calling wounded and killed soldiers "sucker and losers" while being a blatent draft dodger, praising people, like Elon Musk, for destroying workers rights and the fact that almost everyone that worked with you, in your first term, pledged their support for the opposition and said you were a danger to democracy would have been bad for your campaign.
I was totally wrong and severely underestimated the abject stupidity, rampant racism and seething sexism bubbling up in our county.
I guess you proved that a rich white man can still say whatever he wants, commit any crimes (to include rape) he wants and most people would still rather vote for that rich white man than a "black" woman. #sad
Oh, while I am heartbroken and sad for the poor children that will be severely impacted by the disolvemnent of the Dept of Education (i am sure you and your rich friends will still take care of the rich kids, not that they went to public schools in the first place), that department did tteachand instill the values of the people that got you elected, so maybe I agree, a little, with you that it should be destroyed... I mean, it's not like they could get any dumber, am I right? (typing this joke it brings me no joy, only a heavy sigh)