Monday, July 22, 2024

Plot twist!

 Plot twist:

Now who should I vote for?

The young black woman with progressive ideas or the old white man who wants to go back to a time in US history where blacks or women couldn't vote?

A woman, or man who gropes and rapes them?

The democrat who gives power to the people or the republican who wants to be dictator?


Oh, i am sayimg it first; if she doesn't pick Clooney to be her running mate it will be the missed opportunity of the century!  He is a true actor/celebrity, a shrewd businessmann,  and people seem to really like him... all the exact opposite of her opponent.


Republicans are the party of:

  Family values

  the Constitution

  rule of law

- or at least they were until the current runner cheated on his third wife with a porn star, tried to stop the legal transfer of power, and became a convected felon... however,  that wasnt the problem because, who cares if an citizen breaks the law (other than normalizing it would breakdown socially accpted norms)... the part everyone should find contemptible is when they nominated him to be their champion and what every republican should aspire to.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Christians and Republicans

 RNC chair: guys we need to brainstorm ideas on how to make everyone instantly forget Trump is a convicted rapist, felon, and pedo-file with a handful of other cases still pending. No matter how crazy we will give it a shot... umm, wait, say that last part again...


Christians in America: just because he cheated on his third wife with a porn star then lied and falsified records about it so he could steal an election, brags about molesting women, was convicted of rape, and had more rides on Epstein's plane than anyone; he is a true Christian and treated way worse than Jesus.

GOD: what?